Inquiry Based Learning

Highfielders are known for achieving exceptional results in learning across the Key Learning Areas. We are proud of the solid foundation we provide in the ‘basics’, couched in the context of learning programs that offer opportunities for in-depth inquiry based learning.

Teachers program for an Inquiry each term that intentionally integrates learning from different areas of the curriculum. From that start point, teachers invite the children to influence the direction of their research, to explore areas of interest, pose questions, conduct research and make discoveries for themselves.

Our emphasis on small group work supports our commitment to co-researching with the children through inquiry. By talking together, children make theories, question their understandings and re-interpret their knowledge. Small group work also promotes children’s active involvement in learning experiences and provides opportunities for targeted development of key learning skills. Investigations through inquiry encourage the children to problem solve and set goals towards completing a specific task.

Through these rich inquiries each term, children build skills accessing information and knowledge, and become skilled at working together and thinking creatively and critically. Deep understanding takes pre-eminence over simply ‘knowing the facts’.