A Promise of Cultural Safety and Responsiveness for Every Child, Educator and Family at Highfields
Cultural Responsiveness:
“Educators who are culturally responsive, respect diverse cultural ways of knowing, doing and being, and celebrate the benefits of diversity. They honour differences and act in the face of unfairness and discrimination in any form.” (EYLF, pg 21)
“Where every family is welcomed, and each child is respected.”
Cultural Safety:
“Educators respect and protect the rights, cultures and traditions of a particular culture. In a culturally safe environment, there is no assault, challenge or denial of their people’s identity. Of who they are and what they need……It is about working together with dignity and truly listening.”
We aim to…….
▪ always make children, families and educators feel welcomed.
▪ embrace differences and appreciate the unique qualities of individuals in our community, while also recognizing our commonalities.
▪ create an inclusive environment where every child, educator and family feel a strong sense of belonging within our school community.
▪ reflect on our own culture, beliefs and attitudes towards others and recognize that a person’s identity can pose unique opportunities for growth
▪ advocate to support a child, family or staff member’s identity and to stand up for and stand alongside that individual.
▪ represent different identities in our program.
▪ bring awareness to children, families and staff about diversity.
▪ create a culture of fairness and acceptance amongst children, staff and families.
▪ respectfully listen to everyone’s voice in our school and wider community.
▪ foster an environment where every child, family and staff member can freely express their true selves, without fear of judgement.