Our Commitment to Child Safety & Wellbeing
Creating child-safe school environments is a dynamic process that involves active participation and responsibility by schools, families and their communities. It is marked by collaboration, vigilance and proactive approaches across policies, procedures, curriculum and practices.
At Highfields we are steadfast in our commitment to the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of children, and zero tolerance for child abuse.
Every member of our school community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually and collectively, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children is at the forefront of everything they do and every decision they make.
The following principles outline how we address this commitment.
- promote standards of excellence in child safety and wellbeing through our leadership, governance and culture by collaborating and sharing our knowledge and skills, and acting in the best interests of children.
- empower children to know their rights, have a voice so they feel safe, valued and heard, and contribute to decisions which affect their lives.
- ensure that children‘s perspectives are included in teaching and learning programs and practices.
- inform and involve families in our approach to child safety and wellbeing, with the outcome of staff, families and our community actively working together to support children.
- respect and uphold diversity and inclusion of all children, while paying particular attention to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and the safety of children with a disability.
- intentionally seek, attract and employ the most suitable people to work with children who share our child safe values and demonstrate these values through their practice.
- act in the best interests of the child when responding to safety and wellbeing complaints and concerns.
- continually educate staff and volunteers to equip them with knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe and well.
- provide safe physical and online environments for children which allow them to play and learn with confidence.
- pursue regular review and improvement processes with policies and procedures ensuring they document how we seek to keep children safe.
- safeguard the security of information and documentation about children and families.